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Friday, 7 February 2014

Know the truth about the scandal boarding schools hampered by the slow action of the government

Know the truth about the scandal boarding schools hampered by the slow action of the government

It seems that the federal government dragging its feet on that commitment by court order to provide millions of documents from the Library to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) , which is considering boarding schools scandal .

There is a need to records from before the committee to find out the truth of the decades-long saga , such as piecing together the role played by the federal government - including former ministers and senior bureaucrats .

Between the 1870s and 1996 , were taken about 150,000 Aboriginal children from their homes by the federal government to schools run by the church , where Alaivaoualgesda and suffered from sexual and at least 4,000 have died .

I learned Postmedia News that the government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper , for a full year after it ordered by the court to produce records to the committee , has not issued until the request Display (RFP) to companies outside to bid on contracts to sort through the documents in the archives of the Federal so it can be passed along .

At the same time , and time is running out for the Commission , which was recently extended its mandate, but it must submit its report by June 2015 . In fact , you should finish writing a report several months earlier volumes of it so it can be translated and prepared for release.

Indeed, says the Executive Director of the Commission in the slow means that the government will not Truth and Reconciliation Commission does not get access to all internal documents that are needed to write its report.

As an interim measure , the government gave the committee $ 1600000 since last summer to hire researchers to pore through archival documents , but that money is due to expire March 31.

He said the NDP Aboriginal Affairs critic Jean Crowder Thursday that the delay is unacceptable and raises questions about whether the government is trading in an attempt to hide the records.

"He does not make you wonder why they're dragging their feet ," she said .

"You can not help but wonder what is in those documents that the government does not want the committee to have. "

Eventually , she will harm the credibility of the Commission's report because it lacks access to all the necessary documents .

" It will lead people like me and others to question what this government is trying to hide ."

Residential schools saga , which distorted the lives of thousands of children from indigenous people and their families , and is considered by many to be the biggest shame in the historic Canada .

And resulted in a lawsuit against the federal government and the churches involved in the settlement of payments for the affected people and the creation in 2008 of the Commission . Its function is to hold public hearings so people can tell their stories , and the collection of records and the establishment of the National Research Center .

At the time, Harper issued an apology to indigenous people deep in the House of Commons for the residential schools .

The problem is that the committee found itself in conflict with the Harper government , which has been the transfer of some of the documents , but not all of the material in the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) , which is considered "relevant" to the saga of the residential schools .

The conflict ended in court , where the judge ruled in favor of the Commission on January 30, 2013 .
Quoting the

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